Sweet Falynn is 5 years old and ornery lil Cash is 3 years old. They are both cute as cute can be -- I wish I would have snapped a few photos while they were all here last night. But alas, I did not think of it. Bad gramma!!
They stopped here to spend the night, enroute from Texas to home in Wyoming. Poor Cash has an ear infection, so he wasn't feeling very bright and cheerful. He and Falynn did have fun last night, playing with the dogs and catching fireflies outside. The weather cooperated as evening came, and it was very pleasant to sit in the back yard while hubby grilled hamburgers and hot dogs.
At some point in the middle of the night, a bright light in the kitchen awoke me -- I sat up and peered through our bedroom door to see Cash standing with the refrigerator door open, staring into the vast cave of coldness, looking for something that we probably didn't have. As I got out of bed to help him, I saw him pick up the pitcher of grape Kool-Aid .... I ran to take it from him. The vision of grape Kool-Aid all over the kitchen floor and walls and refrigerator made my groggy body wake up FAST.
Poor Cash was crying - I could tell his ear hurt. He wanted a drink. Ok, I can handle this. I raised a child, right? Being an instant gramma should be like riding a bike -- it all comes back to you.
As I began to pour him some Kool-Aid, he turned and walked out of the kitchen, back to their bedroom. Um. Ok. Now what? Was he sleepwalking??! I decided to wait a few minutes to see if he would return. After about 3 minutes, no Cash. I didn't hear a sound from their side of the house.
So I returned to bed.
A few minutes later, I hear him. He's back in the kitchen. Only this time, he's crying even louder. I jumped up again to see what I could do ...
Cash: Where's my drink?
me: I thought you didn't want it.
Cash: Where's myyyy drinkkkk?!! (you know the way a 3 yr old can drag out every letter in a word)
me: Here, I'll get your drink. You left the kitchen - where did you go? I thought you didn't want your drink.
Cash: I had to go to the bathroom.
me: Ok, but you didn't TELL me. I didn't know you went to the bathroom. I thought you went back to bed.
Cash: Where'ssss myyyyy drinkkkk?!
At that point, I quickly poured his grape Kool-Aid before had a total meltdown. Mom showed up to put some eardrops in his ear. He took a small sip of the grape Kool-Aid and then marched back off to bed.
It's been so long since my son was 3 that I must have forgotten the proper way to understand and communicate with a 3 year old. Maybe I was closer to the mentality of a 3 year old when I was in my 20s. And now that I'm in my late 40s, I'm assuming I'm just that much further out of touch with the workings of a 3 year old's mind.
Maybe it's not so much "instant gramma" as "doesn't-have-a-clue gramma"? I'll get it all figured out.... hopefully before he's 15.

Good luck. I don't think it is possible to get it "all figured out" Happy 4th
ReplyDeleteYou tried adult logic on a 3-year old? Put your 'L' plates on Gramma! It's a bit like with my wife. The rule is:
ReplyDeleteThey are always right, you are always wrong
Simple really!
Yikes! I'm not a Gramma, instant or otherwise. I think I would not be good at it!
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't think I could be a grandma!!! Don't think I would be good at it! Animals are more my speed, sounds like you did OK though! My daughter will be 36 this year so I have forgotten all the things that little ones do.
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th!!!!
~Jane and Gilly~
Too funny! I hear it's a lot of fun being a gramma!! I hope to find out someday, but not for a few years yet girls!!! lol
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I'd ever make it as a grandma. At the rate I am going, almost 36 with no kids, if and when I have kids, I'll be a very old grandma! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
Happily it's gonna be awhile before I have to deal with this, and by then my job will have me well prepared.
ReplyDeleteI bet you're the coolest gramma ever.....in the middle of the day.
ReplyDeleteLoved this story. It does all come back, just like riding a bike ... only it 's in bits and pieces and after they head home. :)
ReplyDeleteOne step at a time....it will come back to you and you'll be fine! It sounds like they don't live close enough for casual or regular visits. It'll be a little harder to creat a bond but when you do, it's wonderful!
ReplyDeleteOh, gosh! Having no 2-legged children only 4-legged, I would have no clue at all! So you are way ahead of me on this one! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by today. I am loving all my new blogging friends!
I am so laughing at this! I wouldn't have had a clue either! The tough part is that they don't live near you so that you can "learn" his language..that of a sick tender three year old. Funny how we can remember the whine perfectly from our own! You are a great gamma for even waking up and tuning in...I'd be sound asleep and have koolaid all over the floor in the morning to clean.
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th!!
But Gramma you are supposed to read minds, didnt you know?
ReplyDeleteI think kids are from a different world than the one we grew up in.
ReplyDeleteMy stepkids are great, but even after three years, I'm still learning how they think--and, it's a lot different from when I was a teenager, I can tell you!
Just don't try so hard and it will be easier!
Hmmm, I think with a three year old the only right answer to anything no matter what is "Ok, gramma will get it." ;-)
ReplyDeleteInstant grammas are NOT like instand puddin'. You can't just add milk and voila-puddin'!!! It takes alot more practice and patience.
ReplyDeleteBUT the lack of pictures definitely needs work. Forgiven-this time! (heehee)
*Mom likes Ringo's idea of gettin' me a cat-OR a dog brother or sister to blame my antics on but Dad has final say-so and for now, he ain't sayin' so! ;0=(
Have fun!
As stated...if you get them "figured out" please share with me because it's a new lesson and a new problem every single day. Sounds like you did great so just enjoy them because they don't stay little long. HUGS
ReplyDeleteThat story made me smile! Good luck with being an instant Grandma - you seem to be doing just fine. xxx
ReplyDeleteHey, I love your new web design. Very cute!
ReplyDeleteYou know being a grandma takes a special skillz aptitude that doesn't always just show up on cue. You have to be completely available and unconditionally loving, yet keep distance enough for the parents to do their jobs while still being supportive and all that good stuff. It's a balancing act, you ask me. One I'm happy to take on, as they are all too precious, aren't they? Congrats on grammahood!
You're a young gramma!
ReplyDeleteBelieve me - no one really knows the inner workings of a 3-yr-old! ;-)
Reading your story, I thought he was sleepwalking too so I guess I have lots to learn. At least the Kool Aid didn't end up on the floor and alls well that ends well Sounds like you had a great holiday.
ReplyDeleteYou got the first thing right, you woke up! That means you tuned right back into the mommy zone. As far as Cash leaving you there holding the kool-aid thats just like a 3year old, you are suppose to be there just where they left you when they come back! I laughed at this cause I did the same think with my grandson and he is 2. Take it all in stride don't freak out, do what feels right its all life lessons and you are going to do great!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteI also married a Grandpa and became in instant Grandma!! Then my oldest son started making me a Grandma. Together we share seven grandchildren...from 10 years old to one year old! They are so much fun.
You will figure it all out, it can't be easy if you don't see them very often. Now if they were around all the time they would have you trained in no time! :)
ReplyDeleteI got married and became an instant grandma too. Since the kids are now 14 and 17-- and lived to tell the story, I think I did okay. You will too :-)