I was the winner of her October 17th contest and received my delightful cookbook earlier this week. I've already used it to make chili -- since I had to use what I had in the pantry, I hodgepodge'd two recipes together. It actually turned out pretty danged good, which reminds me that I need to write down my "new" recipe before I forget!!

Another big thanks to Misha at From My Front Porch in the Mountains for my sweet lil Honest Scrap award. I'm so very remiss in thanking Misha for this award... she tossed it my way this past summer.
"This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant. This award is about bloggers who post from their heart, who oftentimes put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul."

Hope y'all are having a great week, and we're almost at the weekend, yippee! May your weekend weather forecast be bright and cheery. If your weather looks ominous, well then, you'd better get your fireplace stoked and bake up some goodies with hot chocolate while you work a puzzle or play a game! :)

Congrats on your winnings and your award.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your win! I need to go check her blog out. Yeah for the weekend coming up!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend! I too love Misha's blog. Such a great place to visit. Congrats on your win.
ReplyDeleteA roaring fire and some more coffee sounds great!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend.
Thank you so much, Susan! I really appreciate your sweet words and your friendship. Have a wonderful weekend in Oz and don't forget to click your heels a few times! :)
Congratulations, Susan. I'm always changing up recipes too and I forget to write it down every time. Well, sometimes I write down the changes on scrap pieces of paper and they get thrown away.
ReplyDeleteChili sounds good.
Congrats on the well-deserved awards Susan! Just droppin' by to say howdy and hope you all have a fantabulific weekend.
ReplyDeleteChester ;0=)
Glad the book arrived and you liked it. And oooo, chili sounds good! (We've got cold weather and a skiff of snow. Brrrr.) Congrats again on winning!
ReplyDeleteCongrats - and TGIF! The weekend has arrived! :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on winning the cookbook - looks like a keeper! Also congrats on the award. I'm remiss in posting awards too. I appreciate them, but I'm procrastinator extraordinaire (and that's my award to ME!). Have a great weekend! -Tammy
ReplyDeleteComgratulations on your award. Cindy's blog sounds great and I shall visit her tout suite. My high school French is failing me I think.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all the gifts and goodies. You deserve it and the bit of joy they give you :)
Congrants on your win!!! Have a nice weekend :)
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations :)