I've been thinking about blogs and giveaways for some time now... let's face it, there are tons of giveaways out there in bloggy land. So I got to wondering... how many people really like blog giveaways? Y'all know that I've had giveaways. The bottom line for me... I really enjoy GIVING, so I love sending something to someone when they win one of my giveaways. The flip side for me is that I feel sooooo bad for all the people who enter my giveaways and don't win. I mean, seriously, it makes me feel rotten. It just doesn't seem fair to me, and my heart really wants to make everyone a winner!
Some of the giveaways are easy - leave a comment and you're entered. Others have all kinds of rules and stipulations, and additional ways to get extra entries.
So, I'm curious... do you like blog giveaways?
Vote in my poll on the right sidebar.
Voting will close on 3/31/10.
Leave a comment on this post if you'd like to provide more detail as to why you do or don't like blog giveaways.
And don't worry... I'm not offended if you DON'T like'em! I'm on the fence myself when it comes to entering giveaways. Sometimes I like'em, other times I don't want to be bothered!
*gasp* ... did I just say that?!

Hello Susan! I'm on the fence too about give aways. I've entered a few because it was something I really liked...I never won but that's ok...somebody did. I love aprons so I decided to enter and promote one for The Apron Goddesses. I haven't heard back from them so I don't know if they know I went the extra mile so to speak...but that's ok as it was a learning experience for me. This whole blogging thing is new to me so I'm learning as I go. I'm sure I'll enter more giveaways if they have something I really like and it's a blog I follow. I guess it's up to each individual to choose one way or the other. I hope your snow is melting and you're enjoying some sunshine! Take care and have a wonderful day. Maura :)
ReplyDeleteI feel same as you do. I don't care for all the stipulations tho. Hope all is well in OZ!
ReplyDeleteHi There Oz Girl! I like the givaway's that are simple to enter. I don't usually bother with ones where you have to do 3 or 4 different things to enter. It's a time issue for me.
ReplyDeleteI am with the Lone Star Queen, constantly in a time crunch. And kind of on the fence regarding the giveaways, I have won some amazing things on blog giveaways, your gorgeous calendar included, and I treasure them.
ReplyDeleteIf the blogger wants me to jump through hoops just to enter a contest, then I usually pass. Just not enough time in my day right now.
How are the doggy treats going?
Hi. I'm not on the fence at ALL! I love 'em. I've won a lot...and lost even more. Why feel bad about losing? That's the nature of the game. It's fun just being able to get the chance at something, right? If you don't want the chance, don't bother! :) At least...that's MY opinion anyway... just thought I'd chime in.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of on the fence about it too...If someone truly just wants to share then it is good...but if I feel like someone is trying to get my e-mail address or just trying to get more followers etc..then I ususally don't....I don't ever feel bad if I don't win....because I do lots of selling on e-bay I know that shipping is so expensive so I do appreciate the thought that goes into it...
ReplyDeleteI love giveaways! There's no need to feel bad for those that don't win. It's not like they've paid anything to enter. So they're not out anything. Which makes it all the more fun when you win! :)
ReplyDeleteI have mixed feelings. I do them very, very rarely, and I only require a comment.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't like is when someone's personal, family blog turns into a giveaway blog too. I actually don't enter very many.
I love the giveaways. I haven't won anything yet, but that's okay. You can't win if you don't enter. Keep up the good work on all you do. I appreciate your fun filled blogs and I always end up smiling when I read them. Maybe one of these days I'll get to taste your cookies. I know my boys love your treats.
ReplyDeleteI think I have mixed feelings about them too. I definitely don't want to jump through hoops, and I am not all that keen on becoming a follower of a blog that I probably would not follow by choice. I like it when I just have to leave a comment on a blog. There have been a few givaways that I really wanted to win.
ReplyDeleteI would like to do one on my blog but have not done so yet but if I do it will be say thanks to the great people who follow my blog who I have come to think of as distant friends
I like the giveaways that are simple and for followers only....it really should be for the people who come by and visit and comment on a regular basis...of course...if someone is a new follower that is nice also...so I guess I'm on the fence too...
ReplyDeleteI won your first one! I like them as long as I don't have to do anything special..I don't like all the if you are a follower or if you mention me in a blog post thing..yet I suppose some people blog for money.. I don't know, I don't keep track of my followers maybe I should..I have followed a few photo blogs that were giving away stuff. I have only done one give away and that was before Christmas and it was a handmade ornament. Nezzy won it:)
ReplyDeleteOh, I ADORE blog giveaways :)
ReplyDeleteI guess I don't look at them the way you do-Of course I would love to make everyone a winner, but I see it as that person who won the giveaway must needed it or deserved it at that very moment. It doesn't mean that other people didn't deserve it, but it may not have been there moment that particular giveaway.
Does that make sense? Lol
I enjoy giveaways, and have won some and lost some. I prefer ones where you gain an entry just by leaving a comment or something simple. I don't object if they have EXTRA entries you can gain by doing more, because one in a while I'll even do that. But, I seldom do all the extra stuff. No time for it. And truthfully, I just prefer that everyone be given an equal chance by leaving one comment.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I can tell you from giveaways that I've posted to help other people out, that the readers who go to the trouble to jump through the extra hoops win quite frequently.
I've never won anything, but I do enter if it's a blog I read regularly and if it's for fun and not a popularity contest or a sales pitch for some product that a blogger is advertising. I love your cookie and treats contests, and the book giveaway of something you've finished reading, and I love you and your blog, too!
ReplyDeleteI love giveaways but sometimes the stipulations keep me from leaving a comment to enter the giveaway. For some it's all about creating hits and that's why they make you do it. I like the KISS method.. Keep It Simple Stupid.
The Blue Ridge Gal
i am with Snappy Di, my schedule doesnt leave me much time to go back and forth with comments. I barely have time to read my own.
ReplyDeleteInteresting to hear some opinions about giveaways. I have done a few sponsored giveaways that you could enter by just leaving a comment..., and I have won a few things as well. Everybody seems to be doing them!
ReplyDeleteOh well I definitely LOVE them!!! I like them with simple "leave comments" or even some of the more in-depth ones as well if it's a blog I read regularly I participate! Now I should probably have another one some day soon....I also really love blog swaps! So much fun!!
ReplyDeleteThe only kind of giveaways I care for at all are the ones that are just random picks from the people on that particular post. I do not do FaceBook or Tweet or anything but blog so I cannot join in most of the giveaways anyway.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a giveaway kind...I visit other people's blogs because it's fun, interesting, educational, entertaining, thoughtful, provocative... and all for free! I consider all that a pretty nice giveaway!
ReplyDeleteJust stopped by to say Hi.. Hope your snow is melting You can't use it in a giveaway LOL
ReplyDeleteHay...I have a my computor back from the vet and can post comments now!!! I have been reading them though so i am cuaght up with everyone!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my Blog. I am originally from San Francisco and moved to Belmont. Met my husband who is from San Mateo and we moved to the Valley. (It is a small world that your sis lives In San Mateo and Brother in Petaluma) Woke to fog this morning and sun this afternoon but cold outside. Hoping for warmer weather the next few days.
ReplyDeleteI do not care for the giveaways I have seen, but have not seen many. I try to follow many Blogs but I do not get an e-mail when most of them post so I do not know when the giveaways are. I wish I got e-mails to let me know. Would make it much easier for me.
I will have to put a note to myself so that I check you Blog regularly.
Have a good day,
Darlene in Elk Grove, CA
love giveaways...
ReplyDeleteIf you are giving away gold bars...yes! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm 50/50.
on the fence really - but I don't live close enough to your cakes and I've given up eating dog biscuits :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have a preference, but I won't participate when I have to do more than leave a comment.