Yesterday, sunny and 67 degrees. Today, SNOW, and lots of it! So much for the first day of spring... it would appear to be winter's last hurrah, eh? I think I can't complain too much, as winter seemed to hit other parts of the U.S. this season, and not so much here in Kansas. I will play blog catch-up with a cup of hazelnut coffee on our belated snow day.
Paint horse is waiting patiently for his grain and hay
Hard to see unless you click on the photo above to enlarge it, but Stormy was tossing her head around as hubby got closer with the grain. She gets pretty darn excited at feed time.
Another pic to enlarge... you can just see Barack's eyes as he hides from the snow under a piece of wood. Both Barack and his mom, Fluff, spent the night on our enclosed back porch. This has never happened before, but since we had 40 mph winds last night, I think they were quite cozy indoors. Being the outside cats that they are however, Barack fled to the outdoors this morning, in spite of all the blowing snow!
Ringo reluctantly helps us with morning chores
Quite the snowy day, huh?
Enjoy your Saturday, wherever you may be and whatever your weather might bring you... it's all good when it's Saturday, isn't it? I have two apples in the fridge... perhaps I will make some apple dumplings this afternoon!
Perhaps next weekend will finally be the "get-out-and-dig-the-new-garden" day!
A side note: Thanks for all your votes in the baby name poll. The poll is closed now, but it looks like Molly was the clear-cut winner! Yay!!

I love seeing pics of your horses. Paint and Stormy are beautiful in the snow. We got snow, too. Doesn't feel much like Spring just yet...
The animals are gorgeous and I'm envious of you livin on a ranch, sigh, but you can keep the snow. We had a few whoppers during the winter and poor old Devoted Spouse worked his heart out behind that snowblower while I stayed inside too scared to venture out for fear of falling again. It's getting nice here and I'm needing Spring badly. Hugs coming atcha!
ReplyDeleteI am keeping my fingers crossed for next Saturday being the get out and dig a garden day but I'm not holding my breath.
ReplyDeleteof course Molly won... Davidia was not a choice you advertised
ReplyDeleteNot Spring photographs, but beautiful and telling!!
ReplyDeleteI always feel so sorry for the new calves when there's crazy weather at this time of year - they always look so cold standing next to their mommies! Great photos - especially the last one.
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures! Stay hunkered down with your hazelnut coffee and enjoy a little down time with the hubs. It won't be long before we're begging for cooler temps and moisture. HUGS
ReplyDeleteI love the B&W-makes this snowy first day of spring look all that much more solemn.
ReplyDeleteRingo looks about as happy as Chester does right now since I took away the de-stuffing privileges on his groundhog.
I'm desperately trying to get back in the groove of getting caught up on everybody's blogs/lives. CONGRATS on the grandma thing-that's huge and I'm sure you will make a wonderful grandma. You have a great place to show them ranch life as they grow up and I'm sure they will be affected by it in a positive way.
Chester's Mom ;0-)
I'm sayin'!!! Yesterday was in the 70's and today it's snow~ice and nasty. Oh, what a difference a day makes. Where is my Spring??? Your pics a terrific.
ReplyDeleteGod bless and enjoy your weekend!!!
I, too, awoke to high winds and snow on this first day of Spring. So it was hot cocoa by the fireplace. I'm so looking forward to warmer weather. We had a 'taste' of it last week-it needs to come back!
ReplyDeleteLoved your pictures-I'm partial to black kitties. Blessings!
Loved the pictures, but I'm sorry you got snow. Still, it's spring snow, right? So it's not as bad as it could be? :)
ReplyDeleteSpring snow can be a bugger..although your photos are just excellent! Barack is pretty darn cute! I just knew Molly would be a favorite is so cute! :)
ReplyDeleteWell, so much for my last comment on your other blog about it being more like spring there than here in Florida! Seems it's been one brutal winter everywhere this year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by today. I've been so busy and stuck in comment back mode! I need more hours in the day!
Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Such a brutal winter everywhere.... we had a beautiful day here - high of 74. Such a nice reprieve from the harsh cold and snow we've been having. But you are right - next weekend could be glorious for you and time to plant your garden! You just never know with this kooky weather. Your pictures are awe inspiring. Beautiful horses. *sigh* I pray we both have a wonderful and uneventful spring and summer! I've had enough excitement for one year......
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures! That paint horse is just gorgeous. I have lived in Kansas my entire life and even I am still a bit shocked at just how drastic the weather change from yesterday to today has been! It keeps life interesting I guess.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your first and hopefully not the last visit..I don't know where you came from?? Maura at Lilac lane cottage?? She's another Kansas gal on a farm. You have some beautiful animals and take great pics..Stay soon, cynthia Wolff
ReplyDeleteTo quote my friend, 'First day of Spring: rip off." LOL
ReplyDeleteIt also snowed here, but not as much as you guys! Sheeesh-I guess Winter DID want to go out with a bang >.<
I love all your pictures!! They are so fun.
Fabulous shots - just like paintings! We're still buried under snow over here too.
ReplyDeleteVery nice photos. I hope the weather picks up for you. Have a nice weekend, Ev
ReplyDeleteI left you a little Easter surprise on my blog-Please check it out (it's for a good cause!):
Hope your having a great weekend :D
Love all of the pictures!! Your horses are gorgeous!! As far as the snow...What the crap?! LOL!! I am ready to get back to the Spring temps again!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the name winner! I know that makes a happy Grandma!
What beautiful photos. Your black and white photos are always so gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteSuz, I'm drinking Hazelnut Coffee, too! Daughter-in-law sent some Green Mountain Coffee Roasters for my birthday . . . and I've made it strong, just the way you like it . . . lol
ReplyDeleteSo . . . you got snow, huh? We did, too, but maybe not as much as you. I think the wind blew all of ours to OK . . . oh . . . mmmmm . . . I guess that would be your direction, wouldn't it?
Already, the warmer temps have melted that skin of transparent ice off of the gravel drive and lawn . . . have about an inch of snow in places yet to melt. "Poor man's fertilizer" is what I've heard Spring snow called . . .
Daffodils are 8 inches tall and in the bud, so maybe this fertilizer will bring them out for show.
Just came in from chores and uncovering the daffodils . . . birds are singing Spring songs, and I'm going to take their word for it.
Have a good day whatever you decide to do! :)
What a difference a day makes....yesterday we had a balmy 76 :-)
ReplyDeleteI love your photos but sympathize that it was snowing. It was 74 degrees here in Sacramento County yesterday but there was no sun. Today, nice and sunny. Love this weather.
ReplyDeleteI think we're all having crazy weather at the moment - although our first day of Spring was perfect