Anyone want one?
They are now approaching 13 weeks old.
We are beginning to hear some half-hearted
"cock-a-doodle-do's", kinda like a teenaged boy
going through puberty with a wavering voice.
Three roosters in a lot of 8 chickens is, well, um, not a good thing.
The "books" recommend ONE rooster to every 10 hens.
So far, no fights, but I'm sure it's just around the corner that these three will start asserting their dominance over the hens. So glad I didn't buy straight run - I actually bought all pullets and ONE panfry special, so I would have at least ONE rooster.
You see how that worked out. Not so well.

Wow! Three! I only bought six chickens and there isn't supposed to be a rooster, but I'm a little worried about one of them. She's bigger and her feathers are coming in a little different color than the rest (I'm no chicken expert!). Time will tell! She just may be the big'un of the bunch! Good luck with your boys!
ReplyDeleteE-gads, what's a girl to do?! Ours are about 13 weeks old too and I'm keeping a close eye on them. No large spurs. (we're new to to this, so we're looking for the "signs") Are there any other clues to look for? Yours have large combs...ours are all much smaller, barely over their heads. Crossing my fingers that they really are all pullets! As Laura says...time will tell!
ReplyDeleteHmm...I know nothing of roosters, but they are very picturesque.
ReplyDeleteYup once the testosterone starts to flow the squabbling begins...said the woman with 3 sons;)
ReplyDeleteHave you heard the barred rock crow? He kind of looks like a she to me..... but I could be wrong..... Either way, it sounds like you may be sending a roo or two to freezer camp :( It's no fun, but they are really are pretty tasty. You probably won't have much issues with aggressiveness until they get sexually mature. And by then you will definitely know who the roos are. PRETTY chickens you've got there!
ReplyDeleteWow. I'm not exactly sure how these things go, but we do know a farmer and have volunteered on his farm enough to know a little, and yes, 3 roosters is definitely quite the conundrum O.o
ReplyDeleteYup, I agree that the Barred Rock might be a she, but I'm thinking the other two definitely look like roosters. Guess they'll be Sunday dinner.
ReplyDeleteumm, I am with Leslie, colors are beautiful...
ReplyDeleteHa Ha, that is what happened to me! I bought 14 pullets and 7 of them were roosters!!! They first crow sounds like a teenage boy. I had to drive them down the hill 7 different times to give them to a feed store, Um the drive is 2.5 hours round trip times 7!