Mark Your Calendar - Next Country Giveaway

Just a reminder, don't forget about the year's worth
of country giveaways coming your way.  

The next giveaway will start on September 1st, so watch your email inbox!

Wait a minute... you say you don't get
an email when I put up a new blog post?!

Well, it's really easy to remedy THAT situation. See that handy-dandy box in the right side column of my blog, right at the top there?

Just put your email in that box and click "submit", follow the instructions to confirm it's really YOUR email address, and you'll be ready for the next giveaway.

When you receive the email announcing the country giveaway on September 1st, simply hit "Reply", replace the subject line with "Enter me in your Country Giveaway" and you'll be entered.

Pretty darn easy-peasy, huh?

I'm not telling yet what the next giveaway item will be - it's a surprise!  It will be something good though, I promise.

It's safe to say it won't be a weekend at the Wort Hotel (my budget precludes "silver platter" hotels), unless the Wort Hotel wants to sponsor my next giveaway.   :-)

Also, watch for the upcoming list of my top five favorite
historic hotels that I would just DROOL to visit.
(Yes, the Wort is one of them!)


  1. any keets from the surprise clutch yet??? and i s the Coronado Hotel on your's on mine!

  2. How about that wonderful b&b in Cape May?
