Oregon Sunshine
Growing Up a Country Girl
The Cranky Queen
Appy Gal
Far Side of Fifty
And the winner is...... #9, Far Side of Fifty!!! Send me an email with your address, and let me know which item you want, so I can get it ordered for you pronto!!
A short story: My mother mentioned she really liked the leather cuff featured in my giveaway blog post. So I went to Michelle's Etsy store yesterday afternoon to purchase the cuff, and lo and behold, someone had beat me to it. The cuff had been purchased yesterday! I had been admiring that cuff for over a month, so it was a lesson to me not to wait when you like something!!
The topper was when I received a Facebook message this morning from an old friend, thanking me for featuring that bracelet - he realized it was the perfect gift for an old friend in Ohio, so he bought it yesterday!! How coincidental was that! LOL
Anyways, thank you so much to everyone, for reading my blog, for entering my giveaways, even when my posts are so sporadic this last year.
I'm determined to keep this blog going, and I have faith that very soon, I'll have more time to post my thoughts and our daily living on this vast, wild and rugged prairie.
Stay tuned for more country giveaways - we'll be having a monthly giveaway right up until July 2012! I've got some more great giveaway ideas tucked up my sleeve. :-)